Finally Spring has arrived!
April showers wet, wet, wet! May flowers and more.
To the right is Tulipa tarda a species tulip from Central Asia. It goes in subalpine meadows, talus fields and slopes in full or partial sun. Unlike hybrid tulips it is persistent and reseeds. I've been told it tolerates Black Walnut tainted soils.
I attended the opening of Gardens of Rice Creek on May 3rd, the Skunk Cabbage was blooming.

This is Western or Yellow Skunk Cabbage. It is noted for attracting pollinators and repelling varmints such as squirrels and rabbits.
It loves swampy wet ground and was blooming near the flooded banks of Rice Creek.
The owner of Gardens at Rice Creek was showing guests her growing collection of cold hardy Rhododendrons. She had on hand seedlings of crosses made from her cultivar collection.
In my garden a green-leaved white flowered selection of Rhododendron ledebourii was blooming profusely. This shrub spent the winter protected from cold and dessicating winds under a six foot snow drift.
Rhododenron ledebourii |
Siberian Iris seedling |
This Siberian Iris seedling has great promise. Its three years old, I hope to see it bloom for the first time. You probably cannot tell from this picture but it germinated and has been growing on the edge of a rock garden and sidewalk. In the summer months, especially in droughty August with air temps in the high 90s the radiated heat from the sidewalk was intense, this seedling showed no damage. Could this grow well in arid or southern climates?
Asarum canadense, Canadian wild Ginger is a beautiful native groundcover for partial to full shade.

Wild ginger unfolds

Peonies erupt with reddish foliage which eventually turns green as it matures and begins to bud. Last year the season was aborted by days of strong winds and rains.
Martagon lilies quickly shoot up and unfurl their foliage.
Northern Bush Honeysuckle
Northern Bush Honeysuckle takes its time to leaf out. Another underrated native shrub, prized by the highway department and underutilized by the gardener.

Variegated with blue flowers
"Bowles Variety" periwinkle, Vinca minor is an evergreen groundcover for dry shady areas.

Can't wait for the taste of rhubarb. Sauce, cake, cookies, and pie, especially Rhubarb Custard Pie my favorite birthday treat!
I love springtime!