Late Spring has been series of contradictions, some plants blooming early and others late. The Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris were on time, a few Tall Bearded Iris failed to bloom. Siberian Iris were fabulous in all my gardens but bloomed a month early from their traditional bloom season. The Iris Society of Minnesota show was nearly half Siberian Iris.
Allium "Purple Sensation" |
Unfurling hosta with last flowers of Anemone canadensis |
Siberian Iris "Linda Mary"
Linda Mary was introduced by Joan Cooper, an AIS Emeritus Judge who encouraged me to start hybridizing and become an AIS Garden Judge. Linda Mary has always been a great landscaping Siberian Iris, floriferous, a great grower. |
Rock soapwort |
Seedling in the rock garden, third year, why I grow siberian iris. |
After a hard rain. |
My buddy Jack Worel is also an AIS Garden Judge and has hybridized Tall Bearded Iris for many years, the next three pictures are iris in his garden.
A pseudata, cross between Iris pseudacorus and Iris ensata |
"Coral Red" peony. |
One of many baptisias in my garden, attracts bumblebees and Tiger Swallowtails.
There has been a conspicuous absence of honeybees and Monarch Butterflies. |
Forget the flowers of Actaea species I prefer the foliage, always fresh and green or purple black.
Actaea rubifolia, Appalachian Bugbane |
Actaea japonica |
Actaea racemosa formerly Cimicifuga racemosa atropurpurea |
High Standards |
Multi-petal "Kita-no-seiza" |
Iris virginica var. shrevei |
Bowl of Beauty |
Do Tell |
Strawberry Fair |
Fond Kiss |
Hosta glade |
Yellow seedling |
Near species siberian iris seedling, first bloom. |
Dwarf Siberian Iris seedling lined out for future introduction |
Blooming at ten inches |
Lined out seedling patch in full bloom |
Variegated hosta |
The next few pictures are of Penstemon grandiflorus, a happy accident, a self-sown clump of 85 plants growing in one of the new rock gardens.
Dianthus and sedums in the walkway rock garden |
Baptisia australis |
Thalictrum in bloom |
One last look at seedlings lined out for increase |
Early June was magnificent in the garden with peonies, roses, iris and penstemon grandiflorus in full bloom. Lilies will be the next emphasis with borders and potted plants in the hundreds poised to show off.